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Growing in Christ: A Journey of Transformation 8-27-25

Growing in Christ: A Journey of Transformation 8-27-25

We’re in the middle of our "42 Days of Purpose—Together" series, and today, we’re focusing on something super important: growing in our faith.

Understanding Our Purpose

As we’ve been digging into this series, one thing is clear—our purpose as followers of Jesus is to grow closer to Him. The word "Christian" originally meant "little Christ." Even though it was meant as an insult back then, early believers owned it and made it their mission to reflect Jesus’ love, grace, and truth. That’s our goal too—to love, look, and act more like Jesus every day.

The Process of Transformation

Growing to be more like Jesus is a journey, not something that happens overnight. 2 Corinthians 3:18 tells us that we’re being transformed into His image, bit by bit. It takes daily effort, commitment, and, as Romans 12:2 says, the renewing of our minds. It’s all about making those intentional choices to become more like Christ each day.

Reflecting Christ in Our Lives

1. Developing Christ-like Character

Jesus showed us what the fruit of the Spirit looks like—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. It’s worth taking a moment to check in with yourself: How are you doing in these areas? Are you living with integrity, even when no one else is watching?

2. Facing Trials with Joy

Life’s not always easy, but James 1:2-3 reminds us to find joy even in tough times because they help us grow stronger. And 1 Peter 4:14 encourages us that if we’re facing challenges because of our faith, we’re actually blessed. These moments can help us grow to be more like Jesus.

Action Steps: How We Grow Spiritually

1. Dive into Scripture

The Bible is like God’s personal letter to us, showing us what Jesus is all about. As we read and think about Scripture, we learn how Jesus lived, loved, and made decisions. This helps us make choices that reflect His character.

2. Make Time for Prayer

Prayer is a big part of growing spiritually. It’s not just about asking God for stuff; it’s also about listening to Him. Take some time to sit quietly and let God speak to your heart. Make it a habit to pray for guidance, strength, and protection every day.

3. Get Connected with Others

We’re not meant to do this journey alone. Being part of a church community is key to growing in our faith. Our Connect groups are a great place to have real conversations, find support, and keep each other accountable. We need each other to keep going strong.


As we continue our "42 Days of Purpose—Together," I challenge you to pick one area in your life where you want to grow spiritually. Whether it’s being more patient, showing kindness, or spending more time in prayer, start small but start today. At the end of the week, take a moment to look back and see how God is working in your life.

Questions to Think About:

  1. What’s one area in your life where you could use some spiritual growth?

  2. How can you add more Scripture reading to your daily routine?

  3. Are you taking enough time to pray and listen to God?

  4. How can you connect more with our church community for support?

Growing in Christ is a journey we’re all on together. By focusing on Scripture, prayer, and community, we can grow more like Jesus and share His love with the world. Let’s take those small steps every day and see what God does!

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